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As a hotel owner or manager, have you taken the step of installing electric vehicle charging stations? That’s an excellent start! But to fully benefit from them, it’s essential to make them known. Driveco shares five key channels to increase your visibility among electric vehicle drivers and turn this investment into a real asset for your establishment. 

1. Google Maps

Used by over a billion people worldwide, Google Maps is the go-to navigation app. You’ve likely already listed your hotel there. While it’s not (yet) possible to add your charging stations recharge directly to your “Business Profilee “, you can mention them in your establishment’s description. Additionally, if you want them to be visible to everyone, you can individually add them by creating a new listing and providing their GPS coordinates, name, and all the details that might interest passing customers (interoperability, power, charging fees, etc.). 

2. Chargemap

A must-have app for electric vehicle drivers, Chargemap lists charging points from all operators and claims over a million users. Adding your charging stations is free: go to the “Contribute” section, click on “Create a charging zone,” and enter the details. After verification, your stations will be visible to all app users, significantly increasing your visibility among electric vehicle drivers.


You’re probably already present on this travel platform. Did you know you can add your charging stations to the list of your establishment’s amenities? By highlighting this service, you position yourself as a modern and eco-friendly hotel. This is a considerable asset for attracting private customers during holidays, as well as many business travellers. With the growing requirement for companies to switch to electric vehicles, these business travellers, who mainly book during the week, will increasingly be looking for accommodations equipped with charging stations.

When charging stations become a pillar of customer service:
Read the testimony of Marc Plisson, Managing Director ofAkena Hotels 


This popular booking site also offers the option to list your charging stations among your hotel’s amenities. Take the opportunity to detail the usage conditions: free or charged, available power, type of plugs, or whether a reservation is required. These details will make the stay easier for electric vehicle drivers and could tip the balance in favour of your establishment during their accommodation search.

5. Your city, department, or region’s tourism office

The dialogue with our contacts has always been straightforward: the team was responsive and present initially to help us get started with the charging stations, and then for all maintenance-related issues. Driveco gave us the opportunity to install charging stations branded with Akena Hotels’ colours. This was important to us as it aligned with our goal of upgrading our services.

Many tourism offices, whether municipal, departmental, or regional, list accommodations equipped with charging stations on their websites. This is the case, for example, in Normandy, Sarthe, and in cities like Arles, Beaune or Châteaudun. This list is not exhaustive, and the practice is becoming more widespread. Don’t hesitate to contact your local tourism office to be included in the list (or encourage them to create one if they don’t have it!).

Listing your charging stations on these platforms is essential to optimise your investment. It increases your visibility among electric vehicle drivers while positioning your establishment as innovative and environmentally friendly. In a competitive hotel sector, this service can make all the difference. Remember to regularly update this information to ensure the best experience for your guests. By following these recommendations, your charging stations will become a real advantage, attracting new customers and strengthening the loyalty of your current guests.