Happy as an electric vehicle driver
From preconceptions to concrete data: exploring the reality of electric mobility
The essentials
In a context where electric cars are at the centre of debates and crystallise tensions, Driveco has launched an unprecedented study in partnership with Harris Interactive. With an unparalleled scope of over 3,000 people surveyed, this investigation aims to understand the imaginaries attached to electric cars and to confront these perceptions with the reality experienced by drivers. The results reveal a striking contrast between the apprehensions of non-users and the high satisfaction of electric vehicle owners, while highlighting persistent challenges, particularly in terms of financial accessibility.
“In the face of media excitement surrounding electric mobility, our unprecedented study offers a factual analysis of the situation in France. The results are revealing: drivers’ experiences often exceed expectations, demonstrating the relevance of this technology in everyday life and its crucial role in the ecological transition. Our challenge is to broaden adoption. Our responsibility is multifaceted: making electric mobility accessible, being educational, and providing an impeccable user experience. The lessons from this study are crucial for guiding efforts towards a successful and inclusive transition. With a fact-based approach, we can accelerate this silent revolution. The electric revolution is underway. It’s up to us to support it and allow it to fully realise its potential.”
Ion Leahu-Aluas,
CEO of Driveco
“It is difficult to discuss mobility in France, its challenges and its future without examining the French relationship with cars, without considering their state of mind regarding environmental issues, without taking into account the economic tensions weighing on them. While the necessity and scale of the challenge before us is recognised by a majority of French people, the conditions for its success still face major obstacles, and we see this in this study: on a personal and daily level, on an environmental level, on an economic level. A path that remains to be travelled, certainly, but a one-way journey if we consider the positive experience and confidence in the future of those converted to electric.”
Magalie Gérard, Directrice adjointe
Deputy Director of the Politics & Opinion Department at Harris Interactive
The infographic

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