Best practice Installing charging stations: What are the steps and how long does it take? Increasing visibility, attracting new customers, complying with LOM law requirements... There are many reasons to want to equip your car…admin-driveco12.04.2024
News The Driveco app: a simple and seamless charging experience Delivering a great user experience has always been our number-one concern. Which is why we created a simple and intuitive…Johann Driveco08.04.2024
Electric Mobility Electric vehicles: A revolution accelerated by regulation In 2023, the French electric vehicle (EV) market experienced a real boom, with 491,866 units sold1. New lightweight rechargeable electric…admin-driveco03.04.2024
Best practice EVSE tender: How to prepare it? Are you considering installing electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVSE)? Before you begin, there is one practice we strongly recommend: meticulously…admin-driveco25.03.2024
Industry insights Electric mobility: 5 key concepts to know The rise of electromobility comes with (many) new technical terms to assimilate. If you're considering equipping your establishment with charging…admin-driveco15.03.2024
Legal LOM law and electric charging: Everything you need to know The Mobility Orientation Law (LOM) of 24 December 2019 aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the ultimate goal of…admin-driveco01.03.2024
News 2023 Results: Exceptional Performance for Driveco "2023 has been a remarkable year on all fronts for Driveco, driven by the accelerated deployment of its charging station…Johann Driveco20.01.2024
Our Clients Driveco and Akena Hotels: When charging stations become a pillar of customer service "Charging stations are an essential service for our customers, just like air conditioning or Wi-Fi," says Akena Hotels' General Manager,…admin-driveco03.01.2024